Sunday, March 31, 2013

G.I. Joe and the only things I didn't like about it

I just saw G.I. Joe: Retaliation. I liked it. But aside from the obvious movie logic gripes which I put aside, there were three things that really got to me. Every time a female is in an action movie and she's with all the blokes in the locker room or carrier just before a mission, somebody always has to mention that she's a female. Why? WHY? I thought watching it, "You know what, somebody is going to mention that she's a gal for NO reason any second now." And yep, they did. Then there was the thing with the red dress, and Bruce's character taunting her as though Jaye had to prove herself to anybody. I get that he was just messing with her and in the end was all, 'Naaah you're cool.' But when subplots like this are written this much it becomes just another trope, in which the token female is constantly treated like she has to prove herself. And that jogger dropping her bag routine? Haven't seen THAT before. I'm rolling my eyes. The other two were the Transformers-esque cinematography that leaves fight scenes a seizure-inducing mess to watch, and a certain ninja repeatedly whipping her mask off for no reason. Other than that, I enjoyed it. :)

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