Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thoughts of Transformers: FOC DLC

I'd love to see some Transformers: Fall of Cybertron DLC, or even entire stand-alone tie-in games comprised of full character campaigns for characters with likely side-stories. Maybe a short open world campaign for Wheelie in the [Sea of Rust]. Wheelie has pretty much, in my mind, earned a spot as a post-apocalyptic bad ass. The Sea of Rust would be a great map for a survival based campaign in which, as Wheelie, one takes on missions and whatever threats may loom alongside the rust storms while working towards his main objective; collecting enough parts to build a properly functioning ship to get him off of Cybertron! There are so many possibilities here! Imagine test piloting several variations of vehicles you've built for travel, scavenging for resources, and finally, escaping to some other planet! Maybe "Jungle Planet" (which needs a better OFFICIAL name, unless [High Moon Studios] chooses to leave it unnamed), where maybe he'll get help from the locals after decades of attempting to earn their trust, thus getting them to help fix his ship with whatever limited resources he may not be aware exist on the planet, and eventually land on what he believes to be the remains of Cybertron but turns out to be Quintessa! Honestly; Wheelie has a necklace of Sharkticon teeth. He didn't buy that. He MADE it. I say let's give this bot the recognition he deserves.

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