Saturday, May 26, 2012

The engredients for a Cyberpunk night

Late night? Can't sleep? Crave some cyberpunk but don't want to open your eyes to the dull reality around you? Then here are some sounds and tales for your late night Cyberpunk playlist. Set up the que, press play, close your eyes, and enjoy.

The Transition
A tale to follow (There are several piece to this)
An end (A Side)
An end (B Side)

Monday, May 14, 2012

"Join The Military and They're Free"

This issue being raised about "free" breast implants for those with military insurance or Tricare seems to me just a tad bit asinine. "Join the military and they're free?" You're insinuating that someone would dedicate a large portion of their life to the military for the sole purpose of "free" breast implants. Not once have I ever heard or considered the unlikely event of a recruiter asking, "Are you willing to die for your breast implants?" They serve simply as a nice bit of comfort (for those whore are in to it) or an easy building block for the foundation in what may or may not have become a potentially estranged relationship between two spouses who would rather see their marriage through to the very end through whatever avenues they believe to be worthwhile navigating.